
Showing posts from July, 2021

Joomla! - GSoC'21 - Accessibility.

Phase 1 - GSoC   Finally, phase-1 of Google summer of code- 2021 is ended here, this blog is related to the phase-1 experience for me and how I contributed to my project. The time period from community bonding to Joining Joomla! as an open-source contributor taught me many things. The very 1st Day begins with the Admin and Students meeting, where we have a video conference call via Google meet. The Admin discussed the idea of how to join the community and become a part of it by contributing and completing of the project assigned in GSoC.  Admin-Student Meeting 1. Community Bonding Period (20th May - 6th June): During this time period I got a chance to learn about Joomla! and their community norms very closely. I have started by connecting with my Mentors in the channel and with other students who are part of GSoC'21. During this phase of the community bonding period, I have read many documents related to Joomla! the latest version which is available here  Joomla! DOCS . This gives